Dan Dan

哈尼族的一个童谣 A Hani Rhyme

我在西双版纳认识了一个哈尼朋友叫真落。我录下了她给我讲的一个世代相传的哈尼族童谣。I made a Hani friend in Xishuangbanna Yunnan named Luo. She allowed me to record her retelling a traditional nursery rhyme of the Hani people.

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Dan Dan

新疆俚语 Xinjiang Slang

与维吾尔族朋友交谈,讨论语言和人群的混合及其对中国新疆方言的影响。I am talking with a friend about the mix of languages and people groups in Xinjiang China, and the influence it has on the local slang .

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Hannah dressed as a Dinosaur with Yu Long mountain of Lijiang in the background.

“Hannah” a Naxi minority friend from Lijiang China, introduces and sings a traditional Naxi song :








The flowers bloom in March,

they are so brightly-colored.

The peonies are the most beautiful

in the paradise of the West, Lijiang.

There are so many beaus,

but the person in my heart that means the most is you.

跟Zheng纹身师谈下中国纹身的历史和文化。Listen to a local Kunming tattoo artist “Zheng” , talk about Chinese tattoo history and culture.

Follow @ WX:13629464530 , Instagram: buzzholic_tattoos


与满族少数民族音乐家唐思宇进行了对话,讨论了满语及其对东北“东北”方言的影响。I am having a conversation with Tang Siyu, a Manchu musician , about the Machu language and the influence it has had on the Northeast “Dongbei” dialect. Listen to Tang Siyu at: 唐思宇


以下是在满族文化中心和博物馆举办的音乐会的一些录音,2016。Here are some recordings from a concert in 2016, at the Shenyang Manchurian Culture Center & Museum.


大连、闽南、山西方言短文的录音。Below are three different recordings of the same short essay read in the Dalian dialect, Minnan Language, and Shanxi dialect.

Here is an old rap track that I featured on with my friends Sloppy Joe and Tony. (DTM: Dan The Man)